Table of Contents
1 Cppcheckの使い方
cppcheck -I./include --inline-suppr \ --enable=warning,style,performance,portability .
2 検出項目の例(一部)
2.1 catchExceptionByValue
try catch文で例外を参照ではなく値で受け取った場合に検出されます。
#ifndef __CATCH_EXCEPTION_BY_VALUE #define __CATCH_EXCEPTION_BY_VALUE #include <stdexcept> namespace cppcheck { class catchExceptionByValue { public: catchExceptionByValue() { try { ; } catch (std::exception e) { ; } } }; }; #endif /** __CATCH_EXCEPTION_BY_VALUE */
[include/catchExceptionByValue.h:14]: (style) Exception should be caught by reference.
2.2 cstyleCast
#ifndef __CSTYLE_CAST_H #define __CSTYLE_CAST_H #include <cstdlib> namespace cppcheck { struct Data { int size; char data[]; }; class cstyleCast { private: Data *mData; public: explicit cstyleCast(void *data) { mData = (Data *) data; } }; }; #endif /** __CSTYLE_CAST_H */
[include/cstyleCast.h:20]: (style) C-style pointer casting
2.3 duplInheritedMember
#ifndef __DUPL_INHERITED_MEMBER #define __DUPL_INHERITED_MEMBER namespace cppcheck { class duplInheritedMemberSuper { protected: int mValue; explicit duplInheritedMemberSuper(int value) : mValue(value) {} }; class duplInheritedMemberInherited : public duplInheritedMemberSuper { private: int mValue; public: explicit duplInheritedMemberInherited(int value) : duplInheritedMemberSuper(value), mValue(value) {} }; }; #endif /** __DUPL_INHERITED_MEMBER */
[include/duplInheritedMember.h:14] -> [include/duplInheritedMember.h:8]: (warning) The class 'duplInheritedMemberInherited' defines member variable with name 'mValue' also defined in its parent class 'duplInheritedMemberSuper'.
2.4 eraseDereference
#ifndef __ERASE_DEREFERENCE_H #define __ERASE_DEREFERENCE_H #include <vector> #include <algorithm> namespace cppcheck { class eraseDereference { private: std::vector<int *> mValues; public: void eraseAndDereference(int *value) { std::vector<int *>::iterator it = mValues.begin(); if (it != mValues.end()) { mValues.erase(it); *it = nullptr; } } }; }; #endif /** __ERASE_DEREFERENCE_H */
[include/eraseDereference.h:18] -> [include/eraseDereference.h:17]: (error) Iterator 'it' used after element has been erased.
2.5 noConstructor
#ifndef __NO_CONSTRUCTOR_H #define __NO_CONSTRUCTOR_H namespace cppcheck { class noConstructor { private: int mValue; }; }; #endif /** __NO_CONSTRUCTOR_H */
[include/noConstructor.h:6]: (style) The class 'noConstructor' does not have a constructor.
2.6 noCopyConstructor
#ifndef __NO_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR_H #define __NO_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR_H #include <cstddef> namespace cppcheck { class noCopyConstructor { private: char *mBuffer; public: explicit noCopyConstructor(size_t size) : mBuffer(new char [size]) {} ~noCopyConstructor() { delete [] mBuffer; } }; }; #endif /** __NO_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR_H */
[include/noCopyConstructor.h:8]: (style) 'class noCopyConstructor' does not have a copy constructor which is recommended since the class contains a pointer to allocated memory.
2.7 operatorEqVarError
#ifndef __OPERATOR_EQ_VAR_ERROR #define __OPERATOR_EQ_VAR_ERROR namespace cppcheck { class OperatorEqVarError { private: int mValue; public: OperatorEqVarError() : mValue(0) {} /** NOTE: Cppcheck will detect operatorEqVarerror. */ OperatorEqVarError &operator=(const OperatorEqVarError &e) { return *this; } }; }; #endif /** __OPERATOR_EQ_VAR_ERROR */
[include/operatorEqVarError.h:14]: (warning) Member variable 'OperatorEqVarError::mValue' is not assigned a value in 'OperatorEqVarError::operator='.
2.8 passedByValue
#ifndef __PASSED_BY_VALUE_H #define __PASSED_BY_VALUE_H #include <string> namespace cppcheck { class passedByValue { private: std::string mValue; public: explicit passedByValue(const std::string value) : mValue(value) {} }; }; #endif /** __PASSED_BY_VALUE_H */
[include/passedByValue.h:13]: (performance) Function parameter 'value' should be passed by reference.
2.9 postfixOperator
#ifndef __POSTFIX_OPERATOR_H #define __POSTFIX_OPERATOR_H namespace cppcheck { class Increment { public: Increment &operator++(int) { return *this; } }; class postfixOperator { private: Increment mIncrement; public: void postIncrement() { mIncrement++; } }; }; #endif /** __POSTFIX_OPERATOR_H */
[include/postfixOperator.h:20]: (performance) Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
2.10 stlSize
#ifndef __STL_SIZE_H #define __STL_SIZE_H #include <map> namespace cppcheck { class stlSize { private: std::map<int, int> mValue; public: bool isEmpty() { return mValue.size() == 0; } }; }; #endif /** __STL_SIZE_H */
[include/stlSize.h:15]: (performance) Possible inefficient checking for 'mValue' emptiness.
2.11 uninitMemberVar
#ifndef __UNINIT_MEMBER_VAR_H #define __UNINIT_MEMBER_VAR_H namespace cppcheck { class uninitMemberVar { private: int mMemberVar; public: uninitMemberVar() {} }; }; #endif /** __UNINIT_MEMBER_VAR_H */
[include/uninitMemberVar.h:11]: (warning) Member variable 'uninitMemberVar::mMemberVar' is not initialized in the constructor.
2.12 unusedPrivateFunction
#ifndef __UNUSED_PRIVATE_FUNCTION_H #define __UNUSED_PRIVATE_FUNCTION_H namespace cppcheck { class unusedPrivateFunction { private: void unused() {} }; }; #endif /** __UNUSED_PRIVATE_FUNCTION_H */
[include/unusedPrivateFunction.h:8]: (style) Unused private function: 'unusedPrivateFunction::unused'
2.13 useInitializationList
#ifndef __USE_INITIALIZATION_LIST_H #define __USE_INITIALIZATION_LIST_H #include <string> namespace cppcheck { class useInitializationList { private: std::string mValue; public: explicit useInitializationList(const std::string &value) { mValue = value; } }; }; #endif /** __USE_INITIALIZATION_LIST_H */
[include/useInitializationList.h:15]: (performance) Variable 'mValue' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list.
3 –inline-supprで検出抑制
/* cppcheck-suppress noCopyConstructor */
// cppcheck-suppress noCopyConstructor
// Not work. /** cppcheck-suppress noCopyConstructor */