Docker: Docker image which runs XRDP on Fedora 24 desktop

I have created Docker images which runs XRDP on Fedora 24 desktop including Xfce4, MATE and LXDE. This article will introduces this Docker image. For detail usage of docker, please check this.

1 Download Docker image from DockerHub

The following will pull Docker image from DockerHub and connect to container with rdesktop. You can connect to container with Windows remote desktop.

$ id=$(docker run -d --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --tmpfs /tmp \
   --tmpfs /run -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro \
$ ipaddr=$(docker inspect \
    --format="{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}" "${id}")
$ rdesktop -g 1024x768 -u doxrdp -p doxrdp "${ipaddr}"


Desktops are as the following.

hiroom2/doxrdp-fedora-24-xfce Xfce4
hiroom2/doxrdp-fedora-24-mate MATE
hiroom2/doxrdp-fedora-24-lxde LXDE
  • Username is doxrdp and password is doxrdp.
  • One container needs 300MB RAM.
  • In case Core-i5 and SSD machine, it takes about 5 seconds to connect to XRDP after starting container.
  • This docker image is not shrinked at all. Image size is about 3GB.

2 Download Dockerfile from GitHub

You can build Docker image on local machine with Dockerfile in GitHub.

$ git clone
$ cd doxrdp
$ ./doxrdp build fedora-24-xfce
$ ./doxrdp rdesktop fedora-24-xfce