Ubuntu 16.04: Install Opera for Web Browser

This article will describe installing Opera.

Table of Contents

1 Install opera

Install opera package.

$ URL=http://download3.operacdn.com/pub/opera/desktop/47.0.2631.39/linux
$ wget -q ${URL}/opera-stable_47.0.2631.39_amd64.deb
$ echo "opera-stable opera-stable/add-deb-source boolean true" | \
  sudo debconf-set-selections
$ sudo dpkg -i opera-stable_47.0.2631.39_amd64.deb || \
  (sudo apt -f install -y && sudo dpkg -i opera-stable_47.0.2631.39_amd64.deb)
$ rm -f opera-stable_47.0.2631.39_amd64.deb

If you need Flash, run the following command.

$ sudo apt install -y pepperflashplugin-nonfree
$ sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --install

2 Run opera

Run opera.

$ opera
