This article will describe installing VirtualBox.
Table of Contents
1 Install VirtualBox
Install virtualbox-qt package. virtualbox-ext-pack needs license agreement.
$ sudo apt install -y virtualbox-qt virtualbox-guest-additions-iso \ virtualbox-ext-pack <snip> Do you accept the terms of the VirtualBox PUEL license? [yes/no] yes
You can use expect for skipping license agreement.
$ sudo apt install -y expect $ expect -c " set timeout -1 spawn sudo apt install -y virtualbox-qt virtualbox-guest-additions-iso virtualbox-ext-pack expect \"Do you accept the terms of the VirtualBox PUEL license? \\\\\\[yes/no\\\\\\] \" send \"yes\n\" expect eof "
2 Run VirtualBox
Run virtualbox command.
$ virtualbox