ParrotSecurity 3.8: Install Tor Browser for Web Browser

This article will describe installing Tor Browser with Tor Browser Launcher.

1 Install torbrowser-launcher

The torbrowser-launcher causes the following error.

$ torbrowser-launcher
Tor Browser Launcher
By Micah Lee, licensed under MIT
version 0.2.7
Creating GnuPG homedir
Downloading and installing Tor Browser for the first time.
GtkWarning: Theme directory devices/scalable of theme maia has no size
Download Error: Download Error: 404 Not Found <class

Install torbrowser-launcher package which is changed to valid URL.

$ URL=
$ VERSION=0.2.8-1
$ wget -q ${URL}/torbrowser-launcher_${VERSION}_amd64.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i torbrowser-launcher_${VERSION}_amd64.deb || \
  (sudo apt -f install -y && \
      sudo dpkg -i torbrowser-launcher_${VERSION}_amd64.deb)

2 Run torbrowser-launcher

Run torbrowser-launcher.

$ torbrowser-launcher

Tor Browser installation will be started at the first boot. After installation, network setting is displayed. Pressing connect runs Tor Browser.
