This article will describe installing webdav.
Table of Contents
1 Install webdav
- This article uses default SSL/TLS certicication file for https. Please change your SSL/TLS certification file.
- For closing http, use firewall with awall.
- Use https or davs for SSL.
- WEBDAV_USERNAME is username and WEBDAV_PASSWORD is password for digest authentication.
#!/bin/sh set -e [ -z "${WEBDAV_USERNAME}" ] && \ WEBDAV_USERNAME=admin [ -z "${WEBDAV_PASSWORD}" ] && \ WEBDAV_PASSWORD=webdav sudo apk add apache2-webdav apache2-utils apache2-ssl sudo mkdir /var/lib/dav sudo mkdir /usr/uploads sudo chown apache:apache /var/lib/dav sudo chown apache:apache /usr/uploads # Create digest password file with expect command. sudo apk add expect expect -c " set timeout -1 spawn sudo htdigest -c /usr/user.passwd DAV-upload ${WEBDAV_USERNAME} expect \"New password: \" send \"${WEBDAV_PASSWORD}\n\" expect \"Re-type new password: \" send \"${WEBDAV_PASSWORD}\n\" expect eof " sudo rc-update add apache2 sudo rc-service apache2 start
2 Access to webdav
Install davfs2 package for mounting davfs.
$ sudo sed -e 's;^#http\(.*\)/v3.7/community;http\1/v3.7/community;g' \ -i /etc/apk/repositories $ sudo apk update $ sudo apk add davfs2
Get SSL certificate from server.
$ $ openssl s_client -showcerts -connect "${WEBDAV_SERVER_FQDN}":443 \ < /dev/null 2> /dev/null | \ openssl x509 -outform PEM | \ sudo tee /etc/davfs2/certs/"${WEBDAV_SERVER_FQDN}".pem
Run "mount -t davfs".
$ sudo mount -t davfs https://${WEBDAV_SERVER_FQDN}/uploads /mnt Please enter the username to authenticate with server or hit enter for none. admin Username: Please enter the password to authenticate user admin with server or hit enter for none. Password:
Write file via webdav.
$ echo hello | sudo tee /mnt/hello.txt
For updating written file immediately, unmount /mnt.
$ sudo umount /mnt
Written file can be read in /usr/uploads.
$ sudo cat /usr/uploads/hello.txt hello