Ubuntu 18.04: Watch Twitch with VLC + Streamlink Twitch GUI + Chatty

This article will describe a way to watch Twitch with VLC + Streamlink Twitch GUI + Chatty which are better perfomance than browser.

1 Install VLC

The following script will install VLC.

You can watch live streaming video with VLC without Twitch account authentication.


sudo apt install -y vlc

2 Install Streamlink Twitch GUI

The following script will install Streamlink Twitch GUI.

Streamlink Twitch GUI shows live streaming programs, analyze live streaming URL and authenticate Twitch account.


sudo apt install -y streamlink

wget -q ${U} -O /tmp/streamlink-twitch-gui.tar.gz
sudo tar -xzvf /tmp/streamlink-twitch-gui.tar.gz -C /opt
sudo apt install -y xdg-utils libgconf-2-4
sudo /opt/streamlink-twitch-gui/add-menuitem.sh
sudo ln -s /opt/streamlink-twitch-gui/start.sh /usr/bin/streamlink-twitch-gui

3 Install Chatty

The following script will install Chatty.

Chatty receive and send comment. Chatty needs Twitch account authentication to receive/send comment.


sudo apt install -y default-jre
wget -q ${U} -O /tmp/Chatty.zip
sudo unzip /tmp/Chatty.zip -d /opt/chatty

4 Watch Twitch with VLC + Streamlink Twitch GUI + Chatty

Run Streamlink Twitch GUI.

$ streamlink-twitch-gui

Click "Settings".


At the "Streaming", set "Python excutable" to "/usr/bin/python3".


At the "Player", set "Player preset" to "VLC media player".


At the "Chat", set "Chat application" to "Chatty" and set "Chatty .jar file" to "/opt/chatty/Chatty.jar", and check "Automatically open chat" of "Open chat".

For applying these settings, click "Apply".


Click human icon at the top right and click "Sign in".


Your default browser opens Twitch login page. Login with twitch account.


For making "Streamlink Twitch GUI" to use Twitch account, click "Authorize".


Settings is completed.

Clicking live streaming program runs VLC and Chatty, and you can watch live streaming video and receive/send comment.

4.1 Watch Twitch with VLC + Streamlink

If you don't need live streaming program list and receiving/sending comment, you can use VLC + Streamlink.

$ streamlink <URL>