This article will installing Tiny Tiny RSS which is web base RSS reader.
Table of Contents
1 Install Tiny Tiny RSS
The following script will install Tiny Tiny RSS.
- MYSQL_PASSWD is root user's password of MySQL.
- TT_RSS_PASSWD is tt-rss user's password of MySQL.
- TT_RSS_FQDN is a server machine's FQDN. Please change your server machine which will be installed Tiny Tiny RSS.
#!/bin/sh -e PHP_VERSION=7.2 [ -z "${MYSQL_PASSWD}" ] && MYSQL_PASSWD=mysql [ -z "${TT_RSS_PASSWD}" ] && TT_RSS_PASSWD=tt-rss [ -z "${TT_RSS_FQDN}" ] && TT_RSS_FQDN=$(hostname -f) TT_RSS_URL=https://${TT_RSS_FQDN}/tt-rss mysql_install() { sudo apt install -y default-mysql-server sudo systemctl enable mysql sudo systemctl restart mysql cat <<EOF | sudo mysql_secure_installation y ${MYSQL_PASSWD} ${MYSQL_PASSWD} n y y y EOF } ttrss_install() { cat <<EOF | sudo debconf-set-selections tt-rss tt-rss/dbconfig-install boolean true tt-rss tt-rss/database-type select mysql tt-rss tt-rss/mysql/admin-pass password ${MYSQL_PASSWD} tt-rss tt-rss/password-confirm password ${MYSQL_PASSWD} tt-rss tt-rss/mysql/app-pass password ${TT_RSS_PASSWD} tt-rss tt-rss/app-password-confirm password ${TT_RSS_PASSWD} tt-rss tt-rss/reconfigure-webserver multiselect apache2 # tt-rss/self_url_path must be set for installing tt-rss automatically. tt-rss tt-rss/self_url_path string ${TT_RSS_URL} EOF sudo apt install -y tt-rss php-mbstring # When installing tt-rss automatically with debconf-set-selections, # tt-rss's postinst read tt-rss/self_url_path but does not use it value. # So this script sets tt-rss/self_url_path and set config.php again. cat <<EOF | sudo debconf-set-selections tt-rss tt-rss/self_url_path string ${TT_RSS_URL} EOF sudo sed -e \ "s;define('SELF_URL_PATH', '.*');define('SELF_URL_PATH', '${TT_RSS_URL}');g" \ -i /etc/tt-rss/config.php sudo systemctl restart tt-rss cd .. } apache_install() { sudo apt install -y apache2 sudo cp /etc/tt-rss/apache.conf /etc/tt-rss/apache.conf.orig cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/tt-rss/apache.conf <VirtualHost _default_:443> SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key $(sed -e 's/^/ /g' /etc/tt-rss/apache.conf.orig) </VirtualHost> EOF sudo a2enmod php${PHP_VERSION} sudo a2enmod ssl sudo systemctl enable apache2 sudo systemctl restart apache2 } ttrss_main() { mysql_install ttrss_install apache_install } ttrss_main
2 Access to Tiny Tiny RSS
Access to the following URL. Accept this page's certification to browser.
Login page of Tiny Tiny RSS is displayed. Login as admin user with setting "admin" to Login and "password" to Password.